Two down.........
The young lady above duly arrived. After a little chat she sat on the floor and Benny immediately climbed onto her lap, grabbed her arm, rested his head and went to sleep.
Well, he sold himself.
She got me to take photos of her to send to her partner who was itching to meet them.
He had been awake all night afraid that they might have already gone.
She left and then they both came back, plus his mother, in the afternoon.
They have a 3 bedroom house with a basement so the kits will have lots of room to play.
I really liked them.
They left to go shopping for the kits' toys, food, equipment etc and to go back to the shelter to complete the paperwork.
A little later they collected the boys. I was sad to see them go but so pleased for them at the same time. It seems to be a perfect home and I got some satisfaction out of it after all the ups & downs I have had with the little buggers for the last 3 months.
Now I hope we can find an equally good home for Treacle and Rascal.
Wednesday was the last night of River Rhythms.
5 Card Studs were playing and they were brilliant.
Caesar Palace came out into the audience to entertain "The Ladies".
It was a lot of fun. This summer has flown by way too quickly. I don't want winter to start yet.
Hopefully we will have a warm autumn.
Today the temperature was in the mid 90s.
Just need to keep the white stuff away until at least December.
He made this fab hat. Just had to get a picture of it.
It was Lauren's mates dad's birthday on Tuesday.
We had bought him a couple of videos and, as they live just up the street, I was walking up to give them to him.
Just then the youngest son, aged about 6, (who always cracks me up) came flying down the street towards me.
"It's my dad's birthday." he grinned at me.
"I know, " I said.
"Is that present for him" he asked.
"Yes it is old is he .....21?, " I joked.
"No........he is 43," he replied.
"Oh really," said I.
"And do you know how that happened?" he asked me seriously.
"No, how?" I enquired.
"Well, last year he was 42," he said looking at me as if I should be in the special needs class.
I giggled all the way to their house.
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