Three generations.

We are having a lovely time.
The weather is very hot. We'd thought about going to the Bristol Renaissance Faire at the weekend, but it is always extremely hot there.
It must sit in a very sheltered spot which magnifies the heat. I always feel so sorry for the people who work there as they wear the most amazing costumes but must really be melting under it all.
Take a peek.
So, on Sunday after an enormous brekkie, we decided to play some crazy golf.
This too was very hot, but there are trees dotted about that you can shelter under whilst waiting for a party member to attempt their eighth shot at a par 3 hole.
We all had a touch of that.
I am always pants and came last, as usual, but I really don't care. I think Lauren won, Donna was second and Philip third.
Lauren and Donna went for a dip in a neighbour's pool when we got home. Donna didn't stay in it long as the kids were all thumping her with the pool noodles.
She has had a couple of nights out karaoke ing with her mates.
On Sunday she took my phone with her, which was just as well, as Lauren had inadvertently locked the screen door and she couldn't get in.
She phoned from outside at about 3.45 am..........we did laugh. She did this last time too but that time she had lost her key.
I said that maybe that is something she will do every visit so it is good that it is now over with.
Wednesday is River Rhythm's and then State Fair starts for around 10 days so that will keep us busy.
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