Flying high

He is flying back with Alan on February 13th, arriving at Heathrow on February 14th.
Then it is on to Glasgow to meet up with older brother.
On Thursday 18th February it is back to Gatwick and then to Whitstable to visit with the step father.
On Saturday February 20th he flies back to Chicago.
It was not cheap.
Especially when you take into account that he will only be there a week.
But, it will be very special trip as the brothers have not all been together for more than 30 years.
It is just as well I said I wouldn't go as we could not have afforded it.
I really hope it all works out well for them.
This weekend I shall probably start soaking in sherry, the fruit for my Christmas cake.
I usually do this for 3 - 4 days before baking.
I brought back the fruit, marzipan and fondant with me from England as I can't get it here.
I am also going to attempt to make a Christmas pudding.
My mum always made them but, although I make the cake every year, I have never tried a pudding.
I remember most of the stuff mum would have out on the table.......fruit, carrot, apple, treacle and of course beer.
I don't remember the proportions and she never measured anything.
I have found an old traditional recipe that seems to have the same sort of stuff in it so I shall give it a go.
Can't get suet here though. I would have used vegetarian suet but they don't seem to have heard of suet at all over here.
I read that I could substitute butter, which sounds rather nice.
I will have another search but I doubt I will find veggie suet.
Last year I made individual, iced and decorated Christmas cakes for all of Philip's team at work.
They seemed rather popular.
So, this year I am going to make individual Chocolate Yule Logs for them.
They don't seem to have these over here either so it should be a bit of a novelty.
Stop press.
I have found a recipe for Red Cabbage...........oh the gods be praised.
I will definitely have a go at this.
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