Sunday, September 13, 2009

Nationwide Building Society Bunglers

I am so mad I am spitting feathers.....well almost.

On Friday whilst visiting Folkestone, I stopped to draw out 50 quid from a cash machine only to stand there like a lemon while it fizzed, buzzed etc but what it did not do was give me any money.
It gave me a receipt to say I had the money (but I didn't) and eventually spat out another one saying there was a machine error.
The bank sent me along to the Nationwide with assurances that it would have been already put back into my account.
It hadn't.
Also, the best they could do was get me to fill in an investigation form so it could be investigated.
This would take approx 3 weeks.
I was fuming.
This bloody organisation buggers me about every time I am over here.
Last year was a nightmare and their incompetence cost me a lot of money.
Whilst there I closed an account I had that had got just 60 quid left in it and put it in my current account.
The guy did mess around a bit doing it but I had no reason to believe he could bugger this simple transaction up.
Silly me.
He did.
I would not have known but this evening I decided to check online to see if, by some miracle, my original 50 quid had gone back into my account.
It hadn't.
What is more....the 60 quid I had transferred to my account had been put in .....then taken out....then put in ....then taken out.
So now....I am 110 pounds down.
I am livid.
So, tomorrow I have to go back to the Nationwide in Folkestone to sort this out.
I will insist on seeing the manager......but I had to do this last year.
What do they think they are playing at?


At September 14, 2009 at 12:37 PM , Blogger Andy Z said...

Put a call into the Financial Services Authority on 020 7066 1000

At September 14, 2009 at 1:27 PM , Blogger Sue Banks said...

Thank you Andy


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