Tom and Lily

They came back from holiday on Friday and these pictures were taken on Saturday.
Apparently they visited a couple of cat rescue places but none had kittens that were ready to go.
They really wanted a boy and a girl.......the names were already picked out and the collars bought.

The first ad on the pet column were for these two.
Boy and girl .....ready to go.
Donna phoned and found out that they were still available and local.
So they went.

She said the kittens and mum were there and the family were lovely.
They had obviously been well looked after and so the deal was done.
Lauren is thrilled.
Donna says they are such time wasters as she doesn't seem to get anything done unless they are asleep.
They are so amusing.
The darker one is Tom and the lighter one Lily.
Both are using their litter box and so far, all seems to be going well.
I am looking forward to having a cuddle with them next week. I went shopping for some kitty toys yesterday as we seem to have more of that sort of stuff here than over there.
At last we have finished painting our bedroom .
We didn't sleep in it yet but will do as soon as we get the furniture, etc all put back.
The new curtains and carpet will have to wait until I get back from England.
The next projects will be the bathrooms and the kitchen but they will be major rip out and re models so we won't be doing those ourselves.
It will also be costly so I think we shall probably have to pick one for next year.
The kitchen can probably wait a while yet.
I have been gradually getting together the stuff I need for my trip. Funny really.
I always act like I am going to some remote island and won't be able to buy stuff I need. Then when I get there, of course, everything is readily available .......probably more so.
Bombay mix.......yum.
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