Getting closer

This means I am awake in the early hours working stuff out that come the cold light of day isn't important anyway.
I had this major panic about my driving licence.
The British one.
I never got round to updating it, so it is still in my previous name.
Plus, it still has my old address in England.
On top of which, it is one of the old paper licences.
I woke up during the night in a snit over it. I had decided that it runs out in January and that I had better renew it during my trip this time.
I then spent the next couple of hours working out how to do this.
Will I have to send my passport away?
How long will it take?
Will it be back in time for my return journey?
Should I put Donna's address on it?
Would I need to take my marriage licence with me as they might need that to verify my change of name?
I would have to get photos taken.
As I never drive when I am over, I really don't know why this had taken on such gargantuan importance.
I agonised over all this for what seemed like hours and finally dropped off to sleep just before I needed to get up.
In the morning it was off to the basement, to the fire safe thingy where important documents reside.
Phew...........found the old licence.
It doesn't run out in January at all..........where did that come from?
Did I dream it before I woke up to start worrying?
It doesn't run out for years.
Now, should I just forget about it or should I get it updated anyway?
I have found online that if you have one of the new fangled passports (which I have) then you don't need to send it away. You just need to quote the number.
I might look into it as I suppose it is something that I should have done......well would have done if I had been living in England all this time.
I will probably get the form while I am there and see how much hassle it will be.
I hope you don't get into trouble for not keeping the information up to date on your driving licence.
I think it's a £2000 fine if the licence isn't up to date...but if you aren't driving on it Im not sure it matters!!!
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