Soon be off

I will be heading off to the airport at around 6pm (British time) tomorrow.
The flight doesn't leave until 11pm (British time).
I wish I could just beam over.
I really must concentrate on packing my cases this afternoon.
I am always so worried about forgetting something that if I pack too soon I start wondering if I put something in .........which results in me dragging it all out again.
I just spoke to Glenn. He asked if I was going to Tuesday night group this first week. I will have to play it by ear.
If I am not too spacey I would love to go.
I do have a problem with jet lag though, which seems to get worse every year.
I will completely lose a night's sleep as my flight leaves here at 5pm (our time) and by the time I am really getting tired and might try to catch a little sleep sitting up (something I am pants at) it will be around midnight - 1am.
This is the time they will be dishing out the brekkies and telling us we will soon start preparing to land.
So, no sleep for me.
I won't sleep on the way back from the airport because Donna and I will be yakking too much.
Then when I get to her house, Glenn and Lauren and the kittens will be there no chance of a nap.
Sometimes I get hyper after a missed night's sleep but then I am totally pants the next day or two.
I don't know how people go over for just a week.
I hope to be able to access my blog from Donna's.
Not sure how to do it as at the moment I just click on the link and I am there.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
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