
I don't have a lot of luck with nails.
I like to have regular manicures but it isn't always as easy as it sounds.
I used to see a nice American lady before we had to spend a year in Bradford but when we came back we lived in Illinois for a year so we lost touch.
I found another American lady in Illinois for that year but when we moved back to Milwaukee I was a bit stuck.
We now live too far away from the lady I used to see.
I finished up going to one of the Vietnamese salons in the mall.
The first one I tried I found a girl who did an excellent manicure............but then she left.
She put me on to a guy, in the same salon, .........who was pants.
He also never kept to any appointments I made.
There is another Vietnamese salon at the other end of the mall, so I tried that.
There I found John.
Or, Prince John, as I called him.
He was very young, lots of fun and unlike any of the other Vietnamese, spoke excellent English.
He had been over here since he was about 5.
This made such a difference. He knew lots about English history, kings, queens etc.........he wanted me to find him a princess he could marry so he could give up working.
I looked forward to seeing him.
Then a few months ago he told me he was leaving...........PANTS.
He also put me on to another guy in the salon. This one was very nice but after he did my nails I was awake all night because my fingers felt like they were on fire......and itching like mad.
I looked it up on interwebs and found that there is a certain stuff they use which shouldn't touch your skin or you can have these reactions. do I tell the new bloke.
Had it been Prince John, no worries.
This new one..........I could have sat there all day explaining, slowly, carefully and, bless him, he would have smiled sweetly at me, possibly said "oh yah"....and carried on regardless.
None of the others in the salon spoke any more English than that.
I couldn't explain to them so I couldn't go back.
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