Little toe blues.............

A sore little toe.
I have a sore toe because my better half kicked me during the night on Saturday and bent my little toe back.
Blooming nuisance.
We are half way ish, through painting the bedroom.
I say ish because we should have been more than half way but the paint didn't cover as well as expected and requires 2 coats.
Hopefully, toe allowing, we should finish it next weekend.
In the mean time we are sleeping in the downstairs bedroom, commonly known as Alan's room.
It will need to be finished before he is over.
Which, the way this year is flying by, won't be long now.
I am looking forward to my trip to Blighty in less than 2 weeks.
I still haven't found a posh frock to my liking so I will probably buy one there.
That is unless Dave's loans me his ..........might be a bit big though.
Save some nice weather for me as I like to walk quite a bit.........providing my sore toe has recovered.
As I said to Philip "I don't think it is broken"!!!
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