Scuba diving in Turkey.

They stayed at a wonderful hotel which had lots of stuff for kids and entertainment in the evening.
It seems they went scuba diving.
All looks a bit scary to me.
I am not sure how I would get on as I hate swimming in the sea as it tastes so yukky.
Maybe you don't taste it after a while.
I think my dodgy ear would prevent me from having a go too.

I only spoke to her briefly as she had cases to unpack and washing to do.
I will find out more about it later.
Now they are home, as far as Lauren is concerned, the holiday is old news.
Over, done with .............time to get on with the most important thing on her agenda.........
getting 2 kittens.
She has been waiting for ever to get some kittens.
She couldn't get them earlier in the summer as she was coming over to me.
She couldn't get them when she went home as she was going on this holiday to Turkey a few days later.
Now she can get them.
I am looking forward to meeting them when I am over.
I bet they sleep on my bed.
It was the last River Rhythms of 2009 on Wednesday.
Rather sad.
Where did this summer go?
It doesn't seem long ago that I was excited because it would soon be starting.
The line up for the last one was a bit disappointing. They had a blues band for the first half who would have been good if they had been half as good as they thought they were.
Then for the second half..........another blues band.
They were ok.
This guy seemed to be doing his own thing. In fact there were people line dancing.
I suppose you make of it what you will.
Not long now before I shall be heading to England.
I must buy some kitten toys to take with me.
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