Wednesday, September 18, 2013


I am getting quite excited about my upcoming trip to England now.
I was chatting with a friend on facebook today, mostly about Pot Noodles (like you do) and the complete absence of the little buggers over here.
I have a small stash of Spicy Curry ones at the moment.  Lauren brought them with her.
I shall replenish said stash when I visit Asda.
My friend then sent me this picture.
I feel it might have been too much for me and my excitement runneth over.   Not that I would ever allow a Pot Noodle (Oh mighty icon of deliciousness) to runneth over.  Sacrilege at its worse.
Anyway,  I remember buying these the year before last and bringing them back.
I also remember searching, mournfully for them last year.  A fruitless (and potless) search indeed.
Alas, they were not to be found.
On seeing this delightful representation above, I rashly assumed that they had returned in all their glory.
I fear I may have been too hasty.
I cannot find anything current on this delicacy.  This maybe an old picture.
I do hope not.
I shall search for them again this trip.
If there are any sightings of Christmas Dinner Pot Noodle I would really appreciate it if you could let me know their whereabouts.
Ta ever so.

I have also started my "Shopping in real shops" list.
The 'must have' items include.

Regal icing.
Mixed dried fruit.
Vegetable suet.
French fries.
Yorkshire pud mix
Selection boxes & other British Christmas goodies.
Cup soups
Bombay potatoes mix

There are a few more.  Weight is always a problem.  Not don't mean I eat so many pot noodles I weigh half a ton on the way back.  I mean the suitcase.  You can only take one case now, unless you want to pay a fortune to take a second one.
The weight of it is limited.
I have left half my clothes behind before just to fit more British goodies in.
Funny the things you miss when you can't get them.


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