Royal Weeeeee
A mixed sort of week.When I went to the mall the other day there were two ladies standing by the bus stop.
One of them had a gorgeous blood hound on a lead.
Drawn by the dog, I finished up in conversation with them.
They were not friends but the dog had broken the ice and they were chatting.
It seemed the dog had been rescued from someone who was using it as a 'bait' dog for dog fighting.
She was lovely. Her name was Sarah and she was so sweet natured.
We all stood chatting about this dog, cruel people etc and then the lady who didn't have a dog, said,
"I have breast cancer and am undergoing chemo. My hair is all falling out and that is why I am wearing this woolly hat. Do I look ok?"
I was so upset for her.
I reassured her she looked lovely, which she did actually. We both wished her well soon, but when the bus came she didn't get on it. She stayed at the bus stop looking lonely.
I felt awful all day. She was such a sweet lady.
Then some good news.
A friend of mine, from way back when we all did dopey things.........getting dressed up as aliens and getting left behind in writing a book!!
I think it will be brilliant.
He is an excellent writer. His blog keeps many people amused every day. I am quite excited for him as I know he has had a rough time of it lately and has been a bit down.
I have no idea what the book is about but I just know it will be good.
When I studied English, I was taught that it is best to write about a subject you know really well as this always comes across.
This guy knows so much about so many different subjects that I think he could write lots of books.
"This time next year Rodney, we could be millionaires."
I can't wait.
Then I got fed up again. (I found out the other day that the term "fed up" comes from medieval falconry. Apparently, when the falcon has been eating it becomes quiet and uninterested, also its crop is full to the top. It was then said to be 'fed up'.)
This wasn't why I was fed up though.
I had planned a Jubilee Celebration. A friend from England had sent me the items in the photo at the top of the page. I was so excited as you can't get this stuff over here.
I had invited friends and planned the menu. A very British menu.
Then I found out that because of some previous squabble between them that they wouldn't take part together. Sigh............well, I am not going to do two celebrations, so I have called it off.
I don't know why I bother really.
Instead I have decided to have my old mate June over for tea (only at lunchtime). We shall have dainty sandwiches, vol au vents, little banoffi pies and cupcakes. She won't let me down.
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