A what a wondrous kitty.....
There I was embroiled in an altercation with a small mountain of ironing, not something I find utterly enjoyable, so my mood was a little low.
As I flung yet another shirt onto the torture device known as the ironing board, I noticed Tootsie playing in the cupboard under the stairs.
The very same cupboard under the stairs that I had cleared a landfill of old toot from the day before.
I had undertaken this herculean task for two reasons.
Firstly - There was a load of old toot under the stairs........the kittens had been playing under there during their stay and had had riotous times shredding up paper and emptying the winter "Bloody Hell it's Chuffing Freezing" bag (this contains lots of spare gloves, scarves, hats etc in readiness for that which must not be mentioned.
Secondly - I was hoping to find Looby Loo's stash and thusly my bracelet. Of course I failed miserably on both counts. But, I had taken the whole lot out, thrown the paper out and put the woolly stuff back into the "Bloody Nora It's Enough To Freeze Your Tabs Off" bag. There was no stash and no bracelet - as "Great Boo" is my witness, it was not there.
So, after ironing a couple or maybe a dozen spiffing shirts for my better half, I was more than surprised to see glistening in the sunlight, on the floor right in front of the previously mentioned, well cleared , cleaned and tidied cupboard........my wovely bracelet.
I had thought I would never see its likeness again, but there in all its gorgeousness it sparkled.
Tootsie had succeeded where I had failed.
I think she must be a bit of an Indiana Jones Tootsie......or maybe a Captain Kirk Tootsie ........ rummaging around where no cat had rummaged before.
Looby Loo is probably spitting feathers that her security has been breached.
I, on the other hand, am so pleased to have it back.
Never again will I leave the precious thing lying around where that evil cat burglar can whisk it away.
The ironing didn't seem anywhere near so bad after I got my bracelet back.
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