Yesterday, before I went out, I noticed some people (locals) complaining on Facebook, of a strange smell outside.
To be honest I thought people might be imagining things.
But, when I took myself off for a trawl of a huge charity shop........I could smell something, and it wasn't the usual charity shop smell - you know the one - old clothes and lord knows what else.
It was like a distant bonfire.
Then when I walked to the bus stop, everywhere was hazy.
It reminded me of the smog that I say hanging over Los Angeles on the two occasions I have been lucky enough to visit there.
It was quite heavy and made the air thick.
After having a fruitful rummage through the treasures (old toot) in the charity shop.....I found a beautiful little dish with lid, tray and spoon that you could serve apple sauce etc in, for $1.99 AND a brandy glass for 49 cents......I returned home and switched on the local news.
Oh it was full of it.
Apparently there is a wild fire burning in Minnesota, which is something like 700 miles away.
The wind direction has changed and the haze/smell was the smoke from this wild fire.
I was amazed that we could be affected so much by something so far away.
Mind you it is massive. Something like 60,000 acres has been burning since mid August.
Yesterday and until 11pm this evening people with breathing problems and other various ailments have been advised to stay indoors.
Also, schools etc have been advised against doing outdoor activities.
I find this just a trifle worrying really. That something so far away can affect us. I am glad that it only smoke.
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