Who knew???????
Anyway, we took Tootsie for her vet check on Saturday.
We had to laugh ......they took her into the back rooms to weigh her and clip her many, many claws.....and all we could hear were "ahhs and ooohs". She was popular.
After telling us that everything is ticketty boo, the vet paused and then told us she thought that Tootsie was probably best part Maine Coon.
Apparently, it is part of the breed genetics to have the extra toes (polydactyl), and her general body shape, ears and laid back personality, points to Maine Coon.
Hah !!!
I thought she might be a little cat. I have always fancied a little cat but it seems she is going to grow into a monster too.
Sunday we had a brill day out in Cedarburg. Fabulous. Lots of little shops to browse around.
Donna would hate it .......Lauren would love it.
Lauren is my shopping partner. She can spend hours looking at things (shiny things) in shops without ever really needing to buy anything. Oh ok........that is me. Lauren does like to spend money.
Donna on the other hand, shops like a bloke.
She will only, ever, go shopping if she has something specific to buy.
Then she will go to that one shop, ONE SHOP, march directly to the item she requires, buy it and then leave the store and head home.
This is not natural.
This is probably what every man would like in his dream woman, but it isn't every mother's dream. How lucky I am that Lauren was genetically wired (not with lots of toes) but with the "Shopping Gene".
Whilst in Cedarburg I had another lump of Peanut Butter Cookie Dough ice cream which was delish.
Then lastly we went shopping for a cat flap.
Cats are not allowed outside in Wisconsin so we don't need one to let them out, but it would be great to have one on the basement door.
When you come in the back door the basement steps are in front of you and to your right side is the door to the kitchen. We have always kept this door permanently open to allow the cats access to the basement, food etc.
We have had/ still are having , a glorious summer but I know winter is lurking in the wings.
I started thinking that if we could keep that door closed then it would help keep the house warm in those dreaded months of ice age Milwaukee.
So, a cat flap in that door would allow this.
Sounds easy........go buy a cat flap. T'isn't.
We found lots of cat flaps, dog flaps etc.....starting at around $20....BUT they were for "normal" sized cats. Up to 15lbs.
It has been a long time since Bubba was on the right side of 15lbs.
He would never fit through.
We thought about getting a dog flap but they were over $50.
Isn't Amazon wonderful.
A few clicks on good old Amazon.com and a cat flap will soon be heading our way.
I won't tell Bubba we had to order the "Tubby Kat" one.
He likes to think he just has a lot of "floof".
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