I have photographed it next to a mug to show how dinkie it is.
I love it.
It will be tra la posh on my table when I have a dinner party.
What was also tra la posh was the bracelet that I got last Sunday.
I had been looking for a leather one as I used to have one years ago which I loved.
It was so comfortable to wear.
I was a bit fussy about how wide it should be and it had to have a popper fastening as I don't like the tie up ones.
Nothing ever seemed to be just right or if it was then the price was anything but right.
But, in Cedarburg last Sunday I found the perfect one. Soft, blue and with sparkles.
Loved it.
I wore it Monday and Tuesday but on the way to work Wednesday I realised I had forgotten to put it on.
Promptly forgot all about it until Thursday when I discovered it was missing.
Our feral cat, Looby Loo, has always had a habit of stealing little things. Things you mostly don't notice. As I looked for my new bracelet the truth started to dawn and with a sinking feeling my searching became more and more frantic.
The little cow had pinched it.
She has a stash somewhere but we have never discovered where.
When the kittens were here they must have found it during their adventures as they would turn up with nail varnishes I hadn't seen for ages, make up brushes I hadn't realised were missing, plus an assortment of hair bands, nail files and even one of Lauren's plastic horses.
Looby Loo must have been in despair to see all the little buggers prancing around with her treasures.
I have been a bit complacent, I suppose, in as much as I did leave the bracelet lying around.
Soft leather.......yummy.....easy to pick up.....OH and SPARKLES !!!!
She must have been in heaven when she found it.
We have searched this house and cannot find where she is hiding her stuff.
I suppose I will have to look for another one. It was lovely though :(
Tootsie had a ball with this paper during the week.
I love the innocent "What?" expression on her face.
I wish she would find out where Looby Loo has hidden my bracelet.
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