I am sure it started as a cold, but maybe because I carried on regardless (I so didn't want me being ill to spoil the family's stay) it is my own fault.
I really didn't want to make a fuss but over the last couple of days I sort of knew something wasn't quite right.
I should have been feeling better - not worse.
Then when I woke up this morning still feeling pants but now feeling pants and having a pain under my arm that got worse every time I breathed in, I knew I had to get it sorted.
Philip was home today.
If I didn't see the doctor today then tomorrow it would mean catching two buses just to get there.
So, I phoned about 10.30am and she saw me at 1.30pm.
Upper respiratory infection. I suspected as much.
I still think it probably started out as just a cold. I should have just taken more care of myself.
I now have antibiotics etc so, hopefully, it will soon be gone.
Terribly cold out so I shall stay in.
I have been trying to take down some of the Christmas decs.
It is a mammoth task.
I would like to get most down before Alanmas which starts Wednesday.
I will leave the tree up until then as I like to put his pressies underneath it.
I hope everyone is having a better start to 2011 than me. :)
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