2010 A bit of a mixed bag really........
Well, we started off by going to the Milwaukee Public Museum but after getting in a queue and then being told it would be a 45 minute wait just to get a ticket, we decided to give it a miss and do Discovery World.
Discovery World is right on Lake Michigan.
I took these pictures of the lake while we were there. Those waves are not waves.
It is difficult to see in the photos but it is frozen.
The waves are frozen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It is quite amazing to see.
I did feel pants though.
I seem to have the Christmas cold that my chums across the pond have all enjoyed.
Mine is not the flu. Apart from the fact that I had a flu jab.....I do know the difference between a cold and the flu.
Flu is nothing like having a cold.
I have a cold. I haven't had a cold in years which is probably why I feel so crap. I have been putting on a brave front and pretending I am alright but that is what you do when you have family staying and you want them to have a good time.
It is now New Year's Eve. We are 6 hours behind jolly old England so it is only around 8.30pm for us right now.
I will not be seeing in the New Year. It can see itself in. As I have said before, I don't say "Happy New Year" to anyone. New years are something I view with trepidation.
I do wish everyone a healthy new year and hope they wish me the same.
2010 was a strange year for me.
In some ways it was brill. Donna and Lauren visited us here lots. We love having visitors...especially them.
I had a longer than usual stay in England but it wasn't all enjoyable as Glenn was dangerously ill at one point. I spent the majority of my stay sitting by his hospital bed.....or so it seemed.
I did enjoy eventually catching up with some old friends in Ashford.
I consider them true friends as it doesn't seem to matter how long it has been since we met.....we just carry on from where we left off.
Met a new friend in Folkestone........and a couple of new furry friends there too.
We had a lovely evening with them. Big big Steve is still a sweetie and his ladyfriend is an amazing lady.
I wish I could have seen more of them all but the hospital business sort of limited me.
I met up with several old chums from my Christchurch days.
They also don't change. We shared a lot of memories....good times and bad, but I think we shall always be friends.
My good friend Heather (she took me in when I was homeless :) ), was back from teaching in Dubai. It was great to see her. We went to Dover Castle but most of it was closed.
She said she hadn't realised how much she missed me until we were together again. Oh what a kind thing to say.
She asked me to go to Goa with her in January and February (she has a house there).
But, that is Alanmas !!!! I can't miss Alanmas.
I met some other new friends too.
I was fortunate enough to be invited to Philip's father's wedding.
I almost didn't go because Glenn was in the hospital. Actually he was supposed to go too.
I really wanted to go and at the last minute I decided I would.
I met up with Alan there. This was fab too. I usually only ever see Alan in the thick of Milwaukee winter so seeing him on a mild Autumn day in Canterbury seemed odd.
I had met their father a week or so before and we had a stroll round Canterbury and lunch.
I knew right away that we would be friends.
At the wedding I got to meet his partner and the family too. They were all lovely.
Alan and I went back to their house between the ceremony and the reception. The house is fab.
Just the sort of place I like. Philip told me I would like it.
I feel blessed to have these people in my life.
Alan and I really enjoyed the wedding and I am looking forward to him getting here next week so we can mull over it again.
Then back home. Philip was very stressed. The drive to and from work (he works in Chicago and has a 76 mile drive there and back) is getting him down.
Things will have to change in 2011.
My work dwindled to one day a week and now it is at about one day every two weeks.
I cannot manage on this little money.
That will have to change in 2011 too.
We have been fortunate to have Donna and Lauren here for Christmas and New Year.
Donna is out gallavanting tonight with her "cowboy". She has been out lots and lots. I am so pleased to see her enjoying herself as she doesn't get much chance to at home.
Lauren is a joy. Such fun and no trouble at all.
They go home on Sunday and I shall be very sad.
They don't want to go...........sigh.
Glenn is better now, so that is a blessing. Oh did I tell you he sent us a lovely Christmas card.....only it wasn't.......it said Happy Birthday inside?
He didn't realise. Some things never change. But, he sent us Christmas gifts and they weren't wrapped in his dirty washing as some of my pressies have been before.
So, goodbye 2010. You were a mixed bag.
I hope 2011 is gentle with us all.
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