Frozen tundra.
I do feed them though. Poor lickle fings.
An odd weekend.
Firstly, we had Operation Catstorm on Saturday morning.
We were up give Lily her sedative.
She bloody knew something was up. She slept on my head all night and then didn't want to come out of the bedroom in the morning....not even for brekkie.
Philip held her while I popped the teenie tiny pill in her gob.
But was it really?
She did the usual ...'ack, ack' ..thing but I didn't see the pill come out.
But, she has long, fluffy fur. What if she spat it out and it was stuck in there?
I spent some time checking her fur before letting her go.
Then I spent some more time checking the floor where she walked in case she sneaked it out.
All I needed was for her to spit it out and then one of the others eat it.
Half an hour later it was obvious she had swallowed it. She was kinda wobbly.
Poor Lily.
Her legs wouldn't work properly and her eyes were looking east and west.
I phoned the vet to see if they had a space so we could come in sooner.
It was very embarrassing.
"Sure" said one of the receptionists, "Bring them in now".
"Erm, one of the cats I am bringing gets stressed and we need to go straight in with no hanging about", said I.
The last thing I wanted was to go early and then have to wait for ages whilst our little, white , fluffy, ticking time bomb festered away in her box.
"Oh yes", she said, "Lily. We have all been warned about her. We are ready for her".
Poor Lily. She is so sweet & cute and they had all been warned about the monster, spawn of the devil from hell that was on its way.
Happily all went well, no exploding cats and we were soon home.
It took Lily about 10 hours to recover from her sedation though. I really didn't like to see her like that. I had to carry her up and down stairs.
But, it was preferable to seeing her totally freak out. That can't do her any good. Certainly doesn't do me much good.
Then we had a winter storm warning so we decided to stay in the rest of the day.
Sunday morning we woke to howling winds and sideways snow.
It is bitterly cold. I don't even know what the windchill is but we stayed in again.
I don't like staying in. I get cabin fever bloody quick.
But, it is no fun going out there right now. So, I cooked Philip a full English brekkie.
Oh he did like that, even without proper English sausages. They can't make sausages properly here. It isn't something I can bring back with me either.
I spent the afternoon wrapping more gifts. I am almost done now....I think.
Tomorrow doesn't look to be any better so I will be indoors again, but Philip is going to take me to Pat's after dinner to catch up with some of her paperwork.
They should arrive on Friday.
We are so looking forward to it.
Lauren can help me make mince pies and a yule log. That is if she isn't up the road playing with their kitten.
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