Ho Ho Ho
Or.....it might have been Donna creeping in from the pub.
Anyway, it all started in a civilised fashion.
A sea of wrapping paper, boxes and bows.........exactly what the living room should look like on Christmas morning.
Father Christmas didn't forget anyone and despite our threats......he didn't leave anyone a lump of coal.
We told him to just bring himself.
We all then ate and drank way too much.
Gary & Philip watched Inception while I bimbled on the computer.
It was lovely, it was tiring and it went by too fast.
I am already getting sad because they will be going home soon. I feel as though they have been here forever and I will miss them muchly.
I suppose I have been lucky this year with how much time we have spent together. I am hoping 2011 will be good for that too.
Donna is talking about coming back pretty soon and maybe even spending August here with Lauren.
I mustn't get too excited over that in case it doesn't pan out.
I can hope though.
Alanmas will soon be upon us and then we are hoping that Peter (Philip's adoptive father) and Chris may be able to visit in the summer.
That would be fab.
So, I am not going to allow any melancholy to spoil the next few days.
They will be back. I aim to enjoy their company while they are here.
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