Oh the excitement.

We went to Candy Cane Lane where they decorate all the houses and collect for charity.
I would love to live there.
Our house would fit in just fine.
Oh it is so fab having Donna & Lauren here for Christmas.
The house is full of people and gets untidy in a way that it never does with just Philip and I.
I know I like things to be reasonably tidy but I love the way it all just gets messy when we have them to stay.
She is absolutely no trouble at all. A really sweet kid.
Tomorrow we are going to Country Springs Hotel where they have an amazing lights show in the grounds that you drive through. It is something like 2 miles of moving lighted displays.
When you get to the end there are a couple of buildings where there is a Christmas display of trains and animated figures.
You can also get a wicked hot chocolate or coffee.
The other building houses a wonderful life size nativity which is rather moving.
He wasn't quite the 'real' Father Christmas that I saw a couple of weeks ago but he was pretty close.
We are all having fun opening our advent calendars. I save them from year to year....don't like the choccy ones.....I like the proper picture ones from Germany........because I save them Lauren has about a dozen of them on the walls of her bedroom.
It isn't going to be a log this year but will appear to be a slice from a large tree.
Errmmmmmmmmm.........that is the theory anyway. I shall post a picture and we can see if we achieved the desired effect.
Pah...it will still taste good even if it looks pants.
We still have the mince pies to make too. They don't have such things as......Christmas cake......Christmas pud.......mince pies.......yule logs.......etc ...over here so if you want it you have to make it.
Donna brought me a Christmas pud this year to save me making one and Philip wants me to make Christmas pudding ice cream which I have done in the past.
It is somehow lighter and more refreshing than eating a heavy pud after an enormous dinner.
Tonight Donna is out with the parents of Lauren's mates who live just up the road.
They have gone to a Country & Western night at Mad Dog's Bar.
I think Donna is hoping to hook a cowboy. Good luck to her.
Can Donna get me a cowboy too pleez....
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