"Mrs Turkey flapped one wing........."
4 layers of clothing, scarf, headsock and heavy duty, arctic tundra gloves, Captain Oates ( "I am just going outside and may be some time") boots.........should have meant I was reasonably comfortable.
I was not.
No gloves seem to be able to withstand the Wisconsin climate.
I made yet another new friend at the bus stop despite all my efforts not to.
He insisted on talking to me.
About.........the bus - how come it hadn't come along yet and if we didn't ride it they wouldn't get paid, yet they would have to put gas in the tank anyway.
About.........it wasn't cold (!!!!) just brisk and this sort of weather makes you feel 'alive'.
I said I would just as soon prefer to feel warm and 'alive'.
About.........how he used to ice skate. He used to be a fab ice skater....up to olympic standards.
About.........how he used to swim in the ocean with sharks, jelly fish and stingrays. Those sharks won't touch you unless you are already bleeding. They leave you be. It is like, if I stood on your toes then you'd be justified on standing on my toes 'cause there aint nobody got the right to stand on anyone's else's toes.
I said I hoped the sharks knew about this this.
Apparently they do because the good lord told them. He told them they are not to bite anyone who hasn't bitten them first.
Sigh.......where was the poxy bus?
About........how he has read the bible 4 times right through. Old and New Testament and he is currently reading it again because that is the only way to understand it.
About........how you can tell a false preacher. You can tell from the outside, because God said when you clean a plate you have to clean the outside and the inside and all around it. If you only clean the outside then the inside is still dirty. This way you can tell if a preacher is lying. (?)
The good lord heard my prayers because the bus came.
I have coping techniques I never stray from. Never, ever get on the bus first or they can come and sit next to you.
He waved me on....I refused and waved him on.
I then sat way at the back.
When we got off at the mall he walked alongside me and was telling me what nice coffee they sell in one of the shops there. He was just trying to get to the point of asking me to have coffee with him when I stopped, said goodbye and dived into the nearest store. Heh heh which happened to be a sports memorabilia shop. Like that would interest me.
I kept a sharp lookout but didn't see him again.
Then I could hear singing and went to have a nose.
Oh bugger..........a class of 4 and 5 year olds, dressed in their best clothes, tinsel wrapped around their heads, were singing Christmas songs.
I hadn't heard any of them before. All the songs had actions. The Mrs Turkey flapping one wing and stomping one foot....no the other foot......was hilarious.
One little boy refused to take part at all and stood with folded arms staring straight in front of him. His distraught mother was jigging about trying to get him to sing and do the actions.
He refused to acknowledge she was even there.
Another little boy managed to sing, flap his wing, stomp and pick his nose at the same time.
It was wonderful and quite made my week.
Of course, as usual, I dissolved into tears just watching them.
Pah......I had only put my make up on a little while ago. What a state I must have looked.
I bet my shark baiting, ice skating, bible reading mate would have gone off me now.
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