Snow Bunnies.
It seems England has got snow.
She could have been upset about it. She had been at work and they weren't sure if the next shift would make it in.
In her sort of job, caring for people with learning difficulties (I think that is the current phraseology), the staff can't leave until the next lot of staff arrive.
So, she had to make arrangements for Lauren to be picked up from school etc......just in case.
She has quite a drive home too but she made it ok......and she was thrilled with the sparkly white stuff.
I have to be honest that even though we get an awful lot of snow, see above, and it lasts for 4 - 5 months of the year, I still think it is so magical to watch it falling.
Unless you are likely to miss your once in a lifetime flight to Florida or something, due to snow, I really don't know how anyone can complain about it as soon as it starts.
OK we get a bit cheesed off with it by February but since we have generally been buried in the stuff since December I think that is fair.
So, people of England, enjoy your snow.
It won't stay around long.......maybe a week at the most.
Look at the beauty of it. The magic. When I look out of the window at falling snow it feels like I am inside a snow globe. So pretty, so quiet, even the light is different.
Donna even enjoys driving in it. She said she noticed a definite sort of camaraderie between drivers as they drove more slowly and carefully.
I went to the mall today.
I have spent most of my life around kids, and I still love them......well most of them anyway.
I was in a department store when I happened upon a little boy of about 3.
He looked at me and said cheerfully "Hi".
"Hello", I said.
"What are you doing?" he asked.
"I am shopping. What are you doing?" said I.
At this point there was no adult in sight...........we continued.
"I am shopping for a present for my daddy", he said.
"Oh that's nice", I replied.
"Well yes but I think my grandma is going to buy the present for him", he informed me.
" I am sure he will like that", said I.
By now I was looking around for a grandma when I saw a young woman and an older woman heading our way.
They told me he was with them........he all the while was still talking to me.
"Oh well, you enjoy your shopping", I said to him as they started to walk away.
"Thank you, you too", this little angel replied.
What a smashing little kid. So friendly, so polite.
I looked at his smiling mother and said "Oh he is so lovely, I want to take him home".
The grandmother was smiling too as they left.
Actually, I really meant it. He was lovely, and it isn't often I think I would like to take them home.
Ahh.....he would probably have turned into a monster.
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