
I won't go into details because it is still something I find it hard to talk about with even my closest friends and family.
Every year on that day I find myself looking back and reliving an old, painful memory that remains so vivid.
A doctor told me at the time that I would never get over it but that I would come to terms with it.
I don't know that I have.........all these years later.
Anyway, enough of that.
I have had no work now for two weeks.
That isn't fun coming up to Christmas, especially when you have family coming to stay.
But, she wants me to come in next week so that is something.
Today I went to the dentist for cleaning.
Hate it.
Actually though it didn't seem quite so bad this time.
I did notice the hygienist said something about a sonic descaler or something.
I was a bit surprised because I thought she said 'sonic screwdriver' and I wondered what Dr Who had to do with my teeth.
I am thinking now that the sonic oojamaflip must have got rid of a lot of the stuff she usually spends an age hacking and scraping at, because she did no where near as much of that torture.
Let's hope so.
One awful moment though. I always have a fluoride treatment.
She asked me if I wanted it to which I replied " Yes. I think it is good and it tastes yummy too"
She then said, "Oh we have cherry flavour this time".
WHAT !!!!
Oh I can't stand cherry flavour (cherries are evil) and I told her so in no uncertain terms.
She then had to scout around the other hygienists until she found a melon flavoured treatment for me.
We then had a giggle about what might have happened if I hadn't mentioned it. She said she would have just plastered it around my gob and I said I would have then probably up chucked all over the place.
Near miss that one.
I think I have almost finished decorating the house for Crimbo. We will buy the tree at the weekend so I shall work on that next week.
There is quite a lot of talk about the royal wedding over here.
What does make me smile is the number of times I am asked if I am going.
I just smile and reply that my invitation hasn't arrived yet but this could be due to the snow in the UK.
Tonight I think I may have a drinkie poo or three.
As the old saying goes..........."To hell with poverty, throw another pea in the pot".
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