Real Father Christmas.

I wanted to go to Mayfair Mall........not to buy anything but just to see their Christmas Decs.
Oh joy of joys.......
Many years ago when Lauren was a toddler, they all (her, Donna and Andy) came to spend Christmas with us and on one of our outings we all went to Mayfair Mall.
We really went for the 'Build a Bear Workshop' so that Lauren could build her own teddy, fill it with stuffing, add a heart, kiss it to bring it to life and then adopt it complete with adoption papers.
To be honest I think we adults enjoyed the whole process way more than she did.
She just sort of looked bewildered all the way through.
Anyway after all these shenanigans we made our way to Santa's workshop.
He was there.....not just any old pretend Santa .......but the real one.
His beard and hair were real. His clothes were real.
It was HIM.
I remember Andy being blown away by seeing the real Father Christmas and we couldn't stop talking about it.
Well, he is still there.........AND.......he waved and called "Hi" me...TO ME !!!!
I went all soppy but did manage to call "Hello Father Christmas".......back to him.
I was beside myself with excitement after that.
Philip was probably ashamed to be seen out with me......but that is so often the case. :)
When Donna and Lauren are over this Christmas we will take them again to see the lights in Candy Cane Lane.
I hope it is 'Firefighters Night' again.......when the fireman take donations and give out sweeties.
It was their night when they were over last time and I can remember Andy getting the arse and asking why it couldn't have been "Bay Watch Night" instead.
Dear Andy.........sadly missed.
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