
This morning we had to take the first two of the cats to the vet for their vaccinations.
It is such a performance.
I had booked Lollipop and Looby Loo in for today. I did warn the receptionist that this was only in theory.
Looby Loo is the feral one and if she so much as sniffs that something different is going on, she can disappear into the depths of this house and we would never find her.
It actually went really well and we caught her and put her in the carrier.
She immediately started to scream "NO"......seriously........"NO"......and didn't stop.
She gets so terrified.
This in turn put the wind up Lollipop who hid under Lauren's bed.
We prodded her out and off we went.
She is also very frightened but doesn't make a sound which is just as well because Looby Loo made enough noise with her "NOs" all the way to the vet's and all the time we were in the waiting room.
I will admit to having a little bit of fun with her.
We say things like :-
"Do you like the vet?"
"Do you love mummy?"
"NO!" and so on.
Once on the table she tries to melt into it and doesn't make a sound or move a muscle.
Lollipop having seen this also tried to melt into the table and practically covered the thing (she is the fat one.) This time though she had actually lost over a pound which is quite a high percentage of a cat's body weight so they were very pleased.
We also picked up some sedatives for Lily in preparation for "Operation Catstorm" which is scheduled for two weeks time. Lily always explodes in the vet's but last year's eruption of wrath must never be repeated.
Then to Toys R Us.
It was a tad busy..........I wonder why.
Two families were just coming out as we arrived and both of them had screaming kids.
We got inside and all you could hear around the store were bawling children.
You would think Toys R Us would be a great place for kids but obviously there were things they saw and wanted but couldn't have.
I get a bit smug as I pass a grizzling child, thinking to myself "I am glad that's not mine".
We got a couple of things but it is all very expensive. I wonder how people with 3 or 4 kids manage at Christmas.
We bought a couple more things in Walmart and then headed home and spent a bit of time putting garden ornaments away ahead of the white stuffs arrival.
I expect we will start to put the outside decorations up next week. We can't leave it much longer or we could be up to our armpits in snow whilst trying to put lights on the roof .
Whats operation catstorm ?????
"Operation Catstorm" is going to be trying to visit the vet with Lily without her exploding into a wrath filled, snarling, biting, scatching she bitch from hell.
She is so sweet any other time.
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