Alanmas looms

The shovel is waiting.......the snow is snowing.........the freeze is freezing.
Ahhhhhhhhhh........he enjoys it.
I expect Alan and Philip will have much to talk about with the visit to the elder brother coming up fast.
They will have lots of memories to go over......30 years since they saw each other.
It will be emotional I am sure.
Philip has been talking by phone regularly to Alex, the elder brother, who lives in Scotland.
We have also been chatting to their step father who they had also lost touch with.
I like them both.
Peter, the stepfather, makes me laugh on the phone and we chat as if we have known each other for years.
He is seriously talking about coming to visit Milwaukee during the summer.
I hope it happens. I am always glad of company.
It will be more difficult for Alex as he is confined to a wheel chair due to a spinal injury.
I don't know if he could cope with the journey.
Once here, he would be fine as the ground floor of our house has a bedroom and a steps either.
So, he would be able to get around well. The other bedrooms and another bathroom are upstairs so the daughter (aged 14) would also have a room to herself.
It is just getting here really. It is a long flight and I know he is in pain a lot of the time.
Oh well, we will wait and see.
They may all hate each other in February and vow never to speak just kidding.
That won't happen.
This weekend has been a bit dull. Just popping out to the shops now and again but it is sooooo very cold.
Today, Sunday, is Lauren's birthday. She is 11 today or as I told her onety one.
Where has the time gone?
I have been a bit reflective today, going over past times, people etc.
Ahh......I am a silly sod.
reflecting on good things i hope. Love to philip, say hi to Alan.
Some good, some not so much.
I shall pass on your endless love to Philip and say Hi to Alan.
Ta ever so.
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