Snow fun

I think the average is around 9 feet or 3 metres of snow during the winter.
It doesn't mean traffic, trains, buses or planes come to a halt.
It is what happens every year so roads are quickly cleared and life goes on.
More than that actually. People make the most of it.
I will say this for Wisconsin people .........they do enjoy the seasons and winter is no exception.
This weekend there is a snow sculpture competition down at the lake front.
We have seen these before. They often have them in the streets of downtown Milwaukee and they are fabulous.

So, as I hear that England is in the grip of an arctic blast .........I expect you all to be outside doing your snow sculptures.
At least you won't have to deal with the ridiculous temperatures that we have.
This morning I went to work wearing the following......steady Dave .........don't go getting excited.
Tights, silk long johns, trousers, silk vest, silk long sleeve top, jumper, scarf, headsock, ear warmers, huge coat with hood, snow gloves and snow boots.
I was ok for about 5 minutes before the cold started getting through to my legs.
It was about minus 15C which is warmer than it has been............ha ha....warmer.

The very first bikes were made in a shed somewhere around here many years ago.
Now we have a Harley Museum and hotel and bar....etc, etc.
We took Alan to the museum last year and although I know nothing about bikes, I have to admit it was very well done and very interesting.
The above picture is of a Harley done in snow outside the museum.
Pretty clever stuff I think.
Yesterday we had our H1N1 (swine flu) vaccinations.
Do you have them over there in dear old Blighty?
I haven't heard much about it on the BBC online. Here it is still a really big deal.
We had to queue for about 3o mins but at least it is done now.
Philip is out Christmas shopping this evening. I have done most of the rest of it now.......unless I think of something else which is often the case.
I'm having my swine flu jab on the 6th January...I'm so looking forwrd to more needles I don't think!
i had my swine flu and flu jab the other week. we're having strong winds and there's this white stuff falling from the clouds, it's a bit like fluffy rain. the BBC are issuing extreme weather warnings and advising that we should stay in doors and only make vital journeys. maidstone had about 1.6 millimetres of snow and came to a standstill. there's been rioting in the local supermarkets as people bulk buy bread, spuds and milk in case the shops close for 20 minutes. the local bus service are getting snow ploughs fitted to all the buses and the local taxis are beig issued with arctic survival packs in the event that they get stuck remote areas like east cliff or cheriton.
BTW, the snow scupltures are amazing!
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