Hah Bumhug
It looked like it could turn a bit iffy as a "snow event" ( I just love it when the newscasters say stuff like this. I think they must spend hours sitting around figuring out different ways to say it is going to snow) was forecast.
Philip was at work in Chicago and we hoped the traffic wouldn't be too bad or slow.
We had to leave home before 6pm.
He got home ok and said it had been a pretty clear run.
Off then to the theatre in Downtown Milwaukee, where we saw a magnificent production of Christmas Carol.
There was an initial hiccup when the seat I had booked had "special needs".
Of course it would.
The springs had gone and when I sat in it I sank.
This meant that a metal bar at the back then dug into my spine.
No way could I sit in this for two and a half hours.
Off I went to find an usher and reported my defective seat.
He said he would inform his boss. I stood around looking guilty. I don't know why really.
I was probably, apart from kids, the smallest person in the theatre.
Milwaukee people, bless them, are not known for being "lightweight", so it seemed odd
that I should be blessed with this inadequate chair.
Just then a guy who could easily have made two Santas, came bowling along yelling........
I stuck my hand up and yelled "ME"
This caused some amusement in the crowd and quite a bit of embarrassment in my partner.
He was a lovely guy.
I told him to try sitting in it although, given his size, I was a little nervous that
a, He would get stuck.
b, He would go right through to the floor.
I asked if he had a cushion or something I could put on it but instead he moved us to far superior seats at the front of the theatre.
This mollified my disconcerted spouse. We had a far better view.........brill.
It was the last night and at the end the guy who played Scrooge recited the poem "The Night Before Christmas".........oh he was brill.
We then made our way outside ...........and into a blizzard........or should I say "snow event".
In some ways it did round off the evening, watching Christmas Carol and then trudging through the snow.
The drive home was a bit dodgy as the snow was "eventing" too fast for the snowploughs.
But we made it.
Philip is at work in Chicago. The drive was fine.
He is due home at around 3pm and then we will be staying inside.
There is a threat of an ice storm but as long as we are at home and we have nowhere we need to go .......that is fine.
I hope all of you have a wonderful Christmas.
Stay warm and stay safe.
We've got snow this year :o)
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