Why do I bother.........sometimes I really don't know?
Trick or Treat is usually assigned to a weekend day around this time but fortunately it was actually on the day this year.
It is a lot of fun.....a really family affair. The kids are always accompanied by at least one of their parents and they are often dressed up too.
Even the family pets get in on the act. The above dog was brill.
She was so big and to make her into a ballerina was so funny.
My favourite costume was the one bellow.
It was so funny. The whole tail and rear section waggled as she walked along.
I shall probably put some other pictures on Facebook.
In the evening we had some friends over to dinner. We have done this for the past 3 years now so I think it has turned into something of a tradition.
It was fun and relaxing. We watched a scary/funny film.......I think it was called Army of Darkness...or something similar.
I do enjoy having friends over.
Ok.......the reason for the title of this blog.
I am going to try to not be so concerned about other people. I do worry myself silly over friends and would always try to help out .........if I can.
But, it seems I would be better off not bothering.
What is the point of worrying about people and trying to help if they don't even acknowledge it.
Oh well.........I want to say I will learn by it but I probably won't.
My intentions were good.....maybe they were misinterpreted ......who knows?
I will still worry about people........Philip calls me a Worry Wart........doesn't sound too attractive does it?
Am I in trouble (again?)
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