Poor Merv
Those darn leaves keep falling on his grass and he has to keep sweeping them up.
Looking at this picture, can you tell which house is Merv's house?
The bloke next door must drive him nuts..........look at his lawn........or you could look at it if you could see it.
I have to admit our lawn is like the bloke's next door to Merv.......Chuck I think his name is.
Merv probably thinks we are all chavs........or he would if he knew what a chav is.
Aren't these tulips beautiful?
Our friend, Julio, brought these with him when he came to dinner on Saturday.
I am so chuffed with them.
I love tulips but to get them at this time of year is a real treat.
They can't taste all that good because Bubba had a go at them and then left them alone.
I can't usually have any real plants/flowers indoors as he chomps them.
Yesterday Philip's mates came over for gaming.
I don't play any more. I think it is right that it is a "guy thing".
I did venture down into the basement, where they were playing, to check out some stuff on the computer.......listening to the conversation, remarks, banter etc .....I can tell you that the Americans are just the same as the English when it comes to gaming.
It quite carried me back to long gone Monday nights at Shalamar.
Happy days.
Shalamar is now "Touchwood Manor"....
Oh my goodness.....I shall now be able to tell people I once lived in a Manor.
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