The goose is getting fat..............

I wish I could do the "ditto" thing with our house...........just for fun, but I so enjoy seeing our house all lit up that I can't.
The Christmas lights have started going up on some of the houses here already.
I know....some of you will think it is way too early.........but you have to understand why.
Why.........because anytime now we could get 2 or 3 feet of snow and that makes putting lights on the roof, gutters and windows no fun at all.
I think we will hang on a couple of weeks. We waited a bit last year and had a stroke of luck.
The weekend after we put ours up we had tons of snow which continued until April.
Hopefully we shall have the same luck this year.
On another note. I think our friendly (not) neighbourhood red tailed hawk got one of our squirrels this morning.
There is a load of fluffy squirrel fur under the bird feeder.
At first there looked like a head there too and I didn't want to look.
But this afternoon I had to go out to fill it up and found that it seems to be all fur.
So, I am hoping that maybe the squirrel got away and left most of its tail fur behind.
I shall watch out for a tail free squirrel.
I am not all that hopeful, really, as that is a very big hawk and the squirrels are tiddy in comparison.
I know it is all "nature" but I just wish "nature" would find somewhere else to happen rather than right outside my window.
It is cold today and I caught the weather man saying "wind chill"...............oh poo...........and so it begins.
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