Price check.

So, about how much can I expect to have to pay for a posh frock in good old Blighty?
I ask because I am in search of said item and they be not cheap.
I need one because I think I am going to a "formal" party (well I am hoping really as I rarely have a chance to dress up) in England.
I will continue looking over here but wondered if some kind soul over there would give me some idea of how much they are.
Then, I can decide if it is worth shelling out the dollars or waiting and shelling out the pounds.
Ta ever so.
We've bought the paint for our bedroom.
Seems ages since we started these projects and Lauren's room was the priority.
Ours has been de-corked and papered over the dodgy bits. The ceiling has been painted. So, it is just the walls now.
We got two shades of lavender.
One very pale, almost white and one a little darker.
Now all we have to find is a box of oomph, a tin of elbow grease and a packet of gusto........and we can finish the job.
They seem to be in short supply at the moment.
Reminds me of many years ago when "Wayne" was driving me nuts so I sent him to another class to ask for a packet of gusto.
That teacher then sent him to another for a "long weight" which resulted in Wayne standing by the door until the end of the lesson.
Made for a much more peaceful time, no need for detentions etc.
Happy days.
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