
We went to see the latest Harry Potter film today.
The Half Blood Prince.
It was OK.
Now ........I never thought I would say a Harry Potter film was just OK.
But, that is all it was...........ok.
In my opinion anyway.
I didn't read the book first.
I have done this once before and for me, it spoiled the movie.
I knew what was going to happen.
This time........I didn't read the book and I haven't got a clue what was going on.
Half Blood Prince????????? What was that about?
Apparently nothing.....or so I am told.
So why give the movie this title...............who knows.
It isn't important........apparently.
For me........way too much teenage angst.
Oh.......I love Bill, but Bill loves Mary..........Mary loves Jim but Jim loves Betty.......Betty loves Frank but Frank loves Fred..........whoops.......maybe not that bit.......but oh I got so tired of teens making cow eyes at each other.
It is probably great in Hannah Montana...or whatever but it did take up too much time in this film.....in my opinion.
But, I suppose, if you are 14 ish ....it will be fab.
It could have done with some more story/action.......or any story/action to be honest.
Philip, who has read all the books, explained some of what went on to me afterwards.
But, he too was disappointed. He did say that this book was the weakest of the lot and the film did seem to be just a filler.....to link one book to another.
Hopefully the next ones will be fab. This was the first time, in a Harry Potter, that I have found myself trying to see my watch in the dark to see how much longer the movie would go on.
Shame really.
It was a crap film. If you've read the book, you'd see that what they did was make a series of those scenes from the book that would look good on the screen. But they left out the bits that gave it a plot.
A friend of mine said it looked like it had been done by Disney......and I think I get what he means.
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