Kettle Quest...Level 80 Elite

Major catastrophe.
It wouldn't be in England but finding an electric kettle over here is like searching for the Holy Grail.
When we first came over we couldn't believe that there just weren't any.
We eventually found a gas kettle.
It was one of those old fashioned ones that your granny used to have.
It made a whistling noise when it boiled and burned your hand when you picked it up.
We were lucky to find that.
A few years ago we found the recently deceased one.......somewhere. It was was electric, cordless and switched itself off when it boiled.
I suppose we shouldn't have used it really.........maybe we should have just erected a little shrine and worshipped it.
Coffee is the drink here. Not many people drink tea. Well they drink iced tea which is foul, but not proper tea. In fact the tea bags here are pants.
I used to have to put 2 teabags in one cup to make tea and it was still pretty disgusting.
Nice people now send/bring me teabags from Blighty and I also stock up when I visit.
My better half did some searching of the "interwebs" and announced that Wal Mart and Target both had electric kettles but they were not available in the stores.
You have to buy them online and pay extra for shipping and handling.
I had a vague recollection that I had seen one just recently but could not remember where.
So, I decided it was probably one of the shops in the mall and would venture forth today on a quest for a kettle.
He was convinced I would fail (it has been known) and insisted I took my little phone with me whereupon having searched for the elusive item I could phone him and he would order one online.
To the mall..........
I found one. Maybe more Americans are discovering the delights of a good cuppa.
It was only $ is electric, cordless, switches itself off and everyfink.
No poxy shipping and waiting for it to be delivered.
I wonder how many experience points I get for completing this quest.
Maybe you should become a professional shopper!!!!
Now that sounds like a wonderful job.
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