Triffik Triffid
It is pictured above.
Take a close look.
It looks like an orchid of some sort.
It it very teeny, tiny. So, teeny, tiny that I had to put my glasses on to see it.
I took the next photo to show how small the flower is.
Very beautiful, if you get near enough to see it, but not exactly a "carpet".
Still no idea who the "perp" of the broken window screen is.
I did think that maybe someone was walking their dog off the lead and maybe it saw one, or more, of the cats at the window and scooted across to try to attack them.
I thought that maybe it was so quick the owner couldn't stop it and in its frenzy it tore the window screen.
I had thought that.
I preferred to think that rather than what my friend Sharon said.....
"I don't think you have any bears around there?"
But, having thought that, I went outside to have a butcher's at the ground, screen, area....etc.
Well, I have learned a lot from watching Poirot and Miss Marple.
I checked the ground for footprints.........nothing. It hadn't rained in ages so the ground was too hard.
Then I looked at the Hosta.
I have a few of these round the house.
They are lovely big plants and at the moment they are in bloom. Lots of tall stems with bell shaped flowers on them.
This particular Hosta is right underneath the window.
I am pretty sure a dog in a "gotta get the poxy cat that is taunting me from the window" frenzy would have left its mark on the Hosta.
Hosta is fine. It is in perfect condition. Not even a slightly crumpled leaf.
So I think that theory is out.
I wonder if it is like crop circles.
Call in Poirot! This mystery must be solved!!!
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