FEED ME NOW !!!!!!!!
Oh he does make a racket.
I heard this dreadful noise yesterday and upon looking out of the window .......there they were.
I was so glad I could get some pictures as I am sure Philip thought I was making it all up.
We went to the gym last night.
It was our last session with the trainer.
It was pretty good. We did all cardio vascular stuff.
This, put simply, means ..........chuffing exhausting.
There is a sort of gallery around the top of the gym which is used as a running / walking track.
He had us running around this highway to hell and then stopping at the various corners to do torture .....I mean work outs.
We did some stuff with weights and when he thought we were totally natchered he would send us off to do a couple more laps.
To think we paid for this.....sigh.
I felt ok when we came out...........relieved and ok.
This morning when I woke up my arm hurt a bit, that must have been from the weights but when I was getting dressed there was an almost audible "TWANG!!!" and something went in my back.
Unfortunately it wasn't a bra strap but something more integral to me.
It has been hurting all day.
It hurts most if I try to lean back........so "Don't do it then! ".....I hear you sympathise.
But, it still hurts even if I don't lean back.
Great this getting fit malarky isn't it.
It didn't stop me going to the mall in search of a posh frock though.
When I am over in September/October one of my friends is having a "milestone" birthday and is having a party.
They have decided to have a "formal" do, with the blokes in their tux and the ladies in posh frocks.
I am well up for this.
I get so few tuniopporties (a granddad word) to wear a posh frock.
I tried on a couple today but they were not posh enough. They were in the sale though.
The ones I saw that were posh enough were not in the sale.
I have plenty of time to find the one I want.
I would rather wait than save a couple of dollars only to be secretly disappointed.
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