Dun corking
I had been chipping and scraping for hours to get it this far.
But at last it is done.
Cork tiles are evil.
Yesterday I went swimming with my mate June.
I hadn't been for a couple of weeks as I had been poorly.
It was so brill to get in the water again. We went to the gym on Monday but they had closed the pool for maintenance so I had to do all the "oofs" and "ughs" without the prospect of a dip in the pool and then the hot tub afterwards.
It will be closed until July 5th I think.
We were going to go to the gym today but Philip got worn out painting the ceiling in our room and wasn't up for it.
I think I may have a go on the exercise bike in a minute. We have had it for years. It isn't a posh one with bells and whistles like they have at the gym but it will do.
It is way too hot to out on my sexy bike.
Anyway, our ceiling is now painted. Next will be the walls.
I think I would like shades of lavender in our room. We will probably buy the paint next week.

It is now only 3 weeks until Lauren arrives.
I am getting excited.
Philip asked if she would be excited yet but I don't think so.
When you are a kid 3 weeks is like a year so I think it will be a while yet.
Update on the flower carpet.
It looks like a few weeds are growing. At first I thought they were flowers but on closer inspection I can see that the same sort of thing is growing outside of the carpet.
I shall wait and see.
The bunnies have had a baby bunny and there are baby squirrels chasing each other around the garden too.
The chipmunk is back, filling his gob with bird seed and darting off with it, so I expect he has a family to feed.
I went to get a drink of water the other night and saw Bubba staring out of the window.
There was a chuffing great raccoon having a good scoff.
I love having my brekkie sitting by the kitchen window watching all this going on outside.
There are a pair of teeny, tiny little birds that have been hoodwinked into raising a cowbird.
I saw this pair feeding this enormous, fluffy baby......it is about 3 times their size, and I wondered what it was. I looked up American Cuckoo but apparently they are not like our cuckoos (wouldn't be) and they raise their own babies.
BUT, they showed a picture of an adult cowbird which apparently does lay its eggs in other birds nests. I recognised it at once as one I had seen round the birdie feeder.
So, these poor little birdies are at it all day, stuffing food into the gob of this monster.
Ahhhh.........but he doesn't know he is a cowbird does he?
He thinks they are his mummy and daddy.
So I can't be cross with him.
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