
Well, today it is over 40C.
That is over 100F in old money.
I was going off on a jolly to the mall but I went outside to water the mat and it was just too uncomfortable.
I didn't fancy waiting for a bus so I have stayed in.
I am so glad we have air conditioning.
Most people here have have to. I feel sorry for those that don't today.
Fans would not help much today.
It is at night that we appreciate it most. The last couple of years we haven't had the air conditioning upstairs and it was horrid.
We had it put in a little while ago and we are now reaping the benefits.
It will be much nicer for Lauren when she is over too as she has a hard time sleeping if she is too hot.
Not long now until she comes over.
July 19th.......ooooh I am so excited.
I also had a little bit of excitement today. I found someone on Friends Reunited who I thought might be a cousin I lost contact with many years ago.
We were very close growing up and were often mistaken for sisters.
I left a message on there a while ago and today I got a reply and it is my cousin.
I have sent an email back to her and hopefully we can catch up on a lot of lost time.
Who knows, maybe I can get to meet up with her again when I am over in September.
I am really looking forward to my visit this time.
It will be so much better with Donna and Glenn both living in Ashford.
I have friends I would like to meet up with there too.
I think Glenn is moving this weekend and I suppose his next task will be to find a job.
I don't know how good the job situation is there but I know it isn't that great in Portsmouth.
Tomorrow is River Rhythms..........I wonder what goodies we will have in store for us there.
I shall check the weather forecast. A couple of days ago they said it might thunderstorm on Wednesday but as they usually change their forecasts every ten minutes it is probably all different now.
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