Stay out !!!

Cats are not allowed outside here but as all the windows have screens it means I can have the window open and they can sit and watch the birdies, bunnies, squirrels and chipmunks.
They have a couple of "kitty condos" which are by windows and usually as soon as I walk in Bubba starts bashing on the window so that I open it.
He doesn't do this for anyone else.
When Alan was here he told me that Bubba didn't bother all day until I came home from work and immediately he would start with the window walloping.
Today he didn't.
He has me so well trained that I went to the window anyway but just as I was about to open it I saw a tear and a hole in the screen.
My immediate thoughts were.............."Bloody Nora that Bubba has got excited at seeing the birdies/bunnies/squirrels and chipmunks and has scratched so hard at the screen that he has broken through it".
This would have had to have happened this morning before I left for work.
But, a couple of things don't add up :
1, I would have noticed it when I closed the window before I left. I always close them just before I leave ..............and this was very noticeable.
2, I went outside to inspect the screen and this is a blooming big hole. If Bubba had managed to make this hole he would have been through it and gone.
He is the only one of our cats that has lived outside for any length of time. He was around 2 years old when we got him from the Humane Society and he had been picked up as a stray.
So, he would still like to go out.
Sometimes he makes me feel so bad as he sits by the back door as if he expects me to let him out.
We have had him 9 years and he still does this now and again.
I KNOW that if he had made that hole he would have been gone.
This leaves just one other possibility.......something outside made it trying to get in.
I don't like the sound of this.
I have seen a stray cat in the neighbourhood but not for quite a while.
I have seen raccoons but they usually come out at night.
I am wondering if it could be the red tail hawk that we have seen hunting out there.
I wonder if it was after a dove or even after one of the cats and tried to get through the screen.
The cats are actually keeping away from that window.
Bubba hasn't been up there at all since I have been home.
Whatever it was ..........we have to get a new screen.
I just wish I knew what had happened as it is a bit worrying.
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