She is inside a whole pile of packing paper that came with something Philip had delivered.
Don't ask me what it was as it was something to do with computers..........probably a Fat Agnes or something.
I wonder if computers still need a Fat Agnes.
Anyway, the box had all this paper in it and the cats have had so much fun with it.
I haven't got the heart to throw it away and so it sits there, in the middle of the living room, like a set from Doctor Who.
Yesterday I had an email from a friend I worked with for many years at a certain facility in Ashford.
Anyway, she asked if I would be in England around September 12th as her husband is having a milestone birthday.
I had planned on coming over around September 20th for 4 weeks.
But, we have been mates for years so I would hate to miss this for the sake of a few days.
Nothing in life is ever simple though.

That is a fib.
I actually don't like to fly at all.
I find it tedious and boring. Right from when you arrive at the airport it is nothing but queues, lines and waiting.
But, if I have to fly, I do prefer Virgin Atlantic.
So, what have they done?
They have decided they won't fly out of or into Chicago through the winter.
Now I would have thought September was still Autumn but I would be wrong.
I contacted the travel agent we usually use...........I know I can book online but they are so fab.
They book everything for me, seat, veggie meal etc, and it takes a little of the hassle out of the process, they told me Virgin isn't flying from Chicago from about September 13th until March.
Now I have the choice of American Airlines, United Airlines or BA.
I am not fond of any of them.
Plus, it is SO expensive. The cheapest I could find was around $890.
This is flying non stop.
I could fly Slovorskalgenarian Airways........or some such obscure airline and make a dozen stops, going via Moscow and Taiwan, but I would prefer not to do that.
Anyway, I think I have decided to try to come over around September 5th going back October 4th.
This way I should be able to take in two "do's".
There is one at the end of September I would like to attend.
We are going to check out more prices online but I doubt I will find a better deal.
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