"I fought the lawn and the lawn won."

At last I am starting to feel better.
I have had some sort of virus thingy ( possibly swine flu ) but I think I am on the mend.
Wisconsin has the highest number of reported swine flu cases in the USA.
They do say though, that this could be because they are doing more testing than anywhere else.
I think that I picked up my possible H1N1 thing from the gym.
Oh, we have to call it H1N1 now as people had stopped eating pork when it was called swine flu.
Can you believe that!!
In that case I couldn't possibly get it as I have been vegetarian for more than 20 years.
I think the gym is probably the villain as it is the only place I go where there are lots of sweaty people all using the same equipment.
Plus, getting changed in the locker rooms and sharing the whirlpool spa can't help.
Ewwwwwwwwww.......it makes me wonder why I like going now I have said that.
The weekend came and went particularly quickly this time.
Friday we ordered the carpet for Lauren's room, didn't do anything else as I felt crappity, crap, crap.
Saturday I felt yukky so didn't go anywhere, Philip got the last of the cork off the walls.
He emptied his change pot and found he had enough money to buy a gas grill.
So, he got that and the utensils that real men need to do the cooking thing.
Sunday he put the curtain rods up in Lauren's room (this produced a tiddy bit of cursing as, apparently the makers of these rods were complete "bleep, bleepity, bleep, bleeps").
After that the lawn was in need of a mow but it seems whilst our attention was diverted elsewhere, probably watching the flower carpet to see if there was anything but mushrooms growing on it, several boatloads of illegal immigrant ants had squatted in various locations throughout the lawn.
Now when I say ants............I don't mean the sweet little teeny ants that we have in England.
These ants are chuffing great Godzilla Ants.
I think their ancestors probably starred in an old movie..........."THEM".
You could throw a saddle on these buggers.
Anyway, we couldn't have them lowering the tone of the neighbourhood, breaking into houses, kidnapping children, stealing cars................they could even have stolen our soon to be barbequed food.......probably have heaved the grill away too.
So, water was boiled and the poor ants too.
I was impressed with my better half's first attempt with the shiny new grill.
I thought he would do steaks and sausages (not for me of course) but he didn't .
He did salmon, shrimp kebabs and various veggies.
Then he did bananas in brown sugar, butter and marsala wine.
It was a lovely.
That's what I said...........it was a lovely.
I couldn't eat it all as I haven't quite got my appetite back but I did save some for today.
Isn't it funny how men who have no desire to cook at any other time will happily toil over a hot grill.
I hope he continues to happily toil throughout the summer.
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