Monday, June 30, 2014


Rolf Harris has been found guilty of being a vile, despicable, pervert who preyed on children.
I am sure there have been many more who have used their fame to further their foul agendas.
People are in awe of celebrities.  Imagine how that would empower men like this.
Children would be totally overwhelmed by their fame.
It is hard enough for a child to speak out about incidents like this when they have been carried out by a friend, family member or stranger.
To accuse a famous person of such things would be too terrifying.  Who would listen?  How could you cope with courts and trials and the repercussions.
As a residential social worker, I worked for many years with children who had been damaged by men like this pathetic creature.
Damaged for life.
It isn't something you recover from.  Don't ask me how I know...........I just do.
The only ones worse than the people that assault children are the ones who try to defend them.
Often the ones speaking up for the perverts have children of their own who they cared for and protected.  This amazes me.  They would have been the first ones screaming for the police if someone so much as looked at their kids yet they have no problem with someone else's child suffering, someone else's child's life ruined.
I just wish the courts would prosecute everyone who covered up for him and turned a blind eye to it.
I really used to like Rolf Harris.
I liked his quirky songs and his wonderful art.
I wish I hadn't.


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