Monday, March 4, 2013

Please do not feed the trolls.

I got trolled on my facebook page over the weekend.
This has never happened to me before so I was unprepared.

I belong to a cat rescue page, where people share pictures of their pets, kids etc and also seek advice for issues they may have with their pets.
We have become friends and some are on my friends list.

Anyone who is on facebook knows that from time to time people share pictures, jokes, cartoons etc.  These come from your friends who are on your list and who you have decided to allow on your newsfeed.
From time to time, I get stuff that I am uncomfortable might be pictures of abused kids, animals or maybe even something I find offensive.
There a brilliant little button that lets you hide such stuff.  If it persists you can remove that person from your newsfeed but still keep them as friends.  It just means that everything they share etc doesn't show up for you.

Right...hope that explained things to those not involved in the glorious facebook community.

I had put a mildly amusing picture on my page.  Then I saw a comment from one of the cat ladies which accused me of putting offensive stuff on there.  It was because the policeman in the picture was fat.  Now....I had seen once before this person get very nasty with one of the other members of the cat rescue group for something very minor.  Not, wishing to upset anyone, my first comment was one of apology ....although I did state that I still found it amusing.
A few other people jumped in and said they too could find nothing offensive and that they had a good laugh over it.
Ha....this is feeding the trolls.....see what I have learned.
She then went right off her trolley and I had to step in and say 'enough'.
Well, I had to say that quite a few more words.........several times.
She could easily have just hid whatever she found offensive....she chose to make a big fuss. Many of the other members of the group saw what she was doing and they were far from impressed.

It finished with her being thrown out of the cat rescue group.  It seems she had been in the habit of pulling stunts like this and people had had enough. She had been seriously offensive to a few of the ladies.  Really nasty stuff.  I never knew.
I suppose it is because I tend not to get too involved in anything of this nature.  I felt like I had been living under a rock or something.
The amazing thing, well to me anyway, is that she claims to be a doctor.  A psychologist no less.

A case of    "Physician,  heal thyself"   I think.

I have heard others talk about groups of people with a common interest falling out.  I wonder why this happens so much ?


At March 4, 2013 at 12:46 PM , Blogger Manky Badger said...

I seem to spend my life dealing with this sort of squabble... :(

At March 4, 2013 at 1:50 PM , Blogger Sue Banks said...

Yes I remember you speaking of this sort of shenanigans too. Some people just seem to like to stir up trouble. It is beyond me.


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