Sunday, March 24, 2013


I don't sleep well.
I don't know why.
I also have very weird dreams.  I wonder if everyone does?  Philip rarely remembers his dreams.
I have a recurring dream about a house.  I know this house very well but there are some rooms in it that terrify me.
Sometimes I will venture into one but it is a very uncomfortable feeling.  Mostly, I just rush past the doors to these rooms, never even stopping.
The house is generally in bad repair.  Every room needs decorating.  Sometimes there are additions that have been started and then left.  I am always wanting to sell the house, to be rid of it.  But, there is so much work to be done on it that I know I can never get it to a fit enough state to be able to put it on the market.  I am overwhelmed by it.  I wonder what all that means?

I had a couple of extra weird ones just lately.
I dreamed I was on a flight.  I dream this quite often too, but this time there was something wrong.
We were getting lower and lower until I could see houses rushing past, but the odd thing was the houses were only inches from the window.
I remember wondering how this could be because of the width of the wings.  We eventually came to a standstill and the pilot came back to speak to us.
He looked about 12.
He said it was his first flight and he would be in trouble now as he had buggered it up.
Then everyone was getting off but I was looking for my hand luggage and by the time I got off everyone had gone and I was on my own.
I found myself walking along East Ham High Street (where I grew up).  I was heading towards the place I used to live.
I heard a noise and up in the sky was the USS Enterprise taking off.  I remember thinking in the dream that this couldn't be real.  So, I sort of shook myself and stared at the sky.  Yep, there it was, slowly getting higher.

Last one. This was the weirdest I think.
I dreamed that technology was such that if you wanted a baby, then the norm was to order one online.
You could say what gender, colour, hair colour, eyes etc you required and then order it.
The baby arrived by mail, but when it arrived it was in a sort of suspended animation.  It was in a type of cocoon.
Now you could keep it like this as long as you liked but once you wanted it to be a live baby you had to unwrap it and revive it.
In the dream I got one of these babies.
I can remember reviving it and it waking up.   My next thoughts were not about "was it the right gender, or did it have the right colour eyes."
All I could think was, "I hope I got a happy one."

Anyone who knew my son as a baby will understand why I was most concerned about this.

Finally.  My mouth is absolutely no better.  It is driving me insane.  I cannot describe it to you.  I contacted the oral surgeon who confirmed there is no treatment.  I am currently pursuing alternative meds online but will see my doctor as it is now making me depressed.


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