Friday, January 25, 2013

Alanmas dinner....

OK...this photo isn't from Alanmas Dinner this year, but it still makes me chuckle so I thought it could be used again.
Wednesday was Alanmas Dinner Day.
It was yummy.
We had prawns in butter and brandy to start........delish !!
Main course was :- for Philip and Alan -  Beef Stroganoff.
For me, being a bloody awkward vegetarian, it was cannelloni.
With this came tiddy, widdy roast taters that have probably got a posh name and various veggies.
Super delish.
For dessert there was a chocolate cheesecake with raspberry coulis - did you see what I did there? Did I put 'sauce', no I did not, I put 'coulis'.
Super Duper Delish.

Alan didn't seem to get too stressed :- there were only a sprinkling of swear words that escaped the kitchen.  Oh and a burned thumb.
We all enjoyed it very muchly.  Ta ever so Alan.

This cold weather enforced hibernation is not good for me.
I haven't been out at all this week but instead of having a rest, which is what sensible people would do, I have gone into de-clutter mode.
Now, in all honesty, my house is never cluttered.  I do not like clutter.  I can't stand kitchen worktops looking cluttered.  I can't stand clutter in the living room, bathroom or anywhere else.  Everything should be in its place.  I will admit to being a bit O/C about this, but the thought of anyone coming into my house and there was 'stuff' lying around, fills me with horror.
What is stuff?   I have been into houses where there was stuff everywhere.  I can never understand what it is.  If it is rubbish - throw it out.  If it isn't - organise it.

Anyway, after finding a spot on the wall of the kitchen, cleaning that spot which made the rest look dirty, I finished up washing the whole wall.  Don't you hate it when that happens?
What next then?   Cupboards.
Oh wow...I was in heaven.  I went through the bedroom drawers and cupboards - tossing out anything that I hadn't used for a while.
Then my glance alighted on the upstairs bathroom closet.
Poor Alan, he came upstairs to ask me something only to find me sitting on the floor surrounded by things that were going out to the bin, off to the charity shop or back in the closet.
It didn't take long ( nothing has a chance to accumulate much) and the closet is totally organised once more.
I did start on Philip's tools in the basement.   I have also warned him that next time he needs one he probably won't be able to find it.
The only thing I won't touch is his desk in the basement.
There could be a tribe of pygmies living in there for all I know.


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