Boo boo

I find it incredibly easy to get an owie these days.
A year or so ago I really hurt my back just by taking the washing out of the machine and putting it in the dryer.
It just went......'ping'.
I was in a bad way for weeks. It was absolute agony.
I finished up at the physiotherapist who made it worse than ever.
Didn't go back.
Anyway, this owie was waiting in ambush as I scooped out the kittens' litter box.
Not my most favourite occupation.
I intend to try to convince Lauren it is a fun thing to do while she is here.
I shall tell her to think of it as a "Lucky Dip".........with the promise of "A prize every time".
It might work.
Well, I had just finished scooping and retrieving all my prizes, I then had to pull the box of litter towards me so I could top up the litter tray..........I hope you are all still with me.........riveting isn't it?...........Then it happened.
You know that feeling when you crick your neck/shoulder and you get a burning sensation which really hurts but lasts for just a few minutes? Yes you do.
Well, it was a bit like that only it didn't go away.
It got worse.
I did this on Friday but having been brought up on the "Don't make a fuss" side of town, I tried to ignore it.
It wasn't going to be ignored and made that perfectly plain.
Sleeping has been difficult. I found that putting a pillow alongside me and resting my arm on it helped a little bit but on Saturday night I got virtually no sleep.
Last night I popped some pills at bedtime and got a little bit more sleep so I think I shall do that again tonight.
Of course all this happens when I have Donna and Lauren coming tomorrow.
Hopefully it will gradually get better, just as my back did when I refused the ministrations of the physio and her torture devices.
It makes me mad when these things happen so easily though.
I would love to spin a tale of how I hurt my arm/shoulder whilst abseiling down the North Side of Macey's. That would not only sound more heroic but at least I would have only myself to blame and could honestly say I wouldn't do it again.
Hmmmmmmmmm.......might give me more clout when trying to convince Lauren that scooping poopie is a fun thing to do on holiday.
Maybe I could get the neighbourhood kids involved.
"Step right up. Get your scooper here. Everyone's a winner".
It could work you know.
I get much the same with carp poo.....
If only animals didn't crap, eh?
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