It arrived.

How exciting......well except for the picture of The Gorgon they put in it instead of the beautiful picture of me.
It is tra la posh.
I mean ......REALLY......tra la posh.
Every page carries a picture and information about American history.
I am really impressed.

My British passport expires next year I think.
I wonder if they new British ones are posh now.
The Brits have a ton of history they could call upon to brighten up the passport.

I mean, you never really get to look at other countries' passports do you?
Does the Scottish one have bagpipes, kilts and wild haggises......(is it haggises or haggi?) running riot all over their pages?
Now the Irish could make brill ones...........The little people, banshees, shamrocks, shillelagh, pints of guinness and Delaney's fab is that?
What about the Welsh?
They could have passports that start playing music as soon as you open know, like some birthday cards do.
Think of the fun every time a Welsh person got to security and there was a blast of "There'll be a welcome in the hillside".
Perhaps you could choose which songs it played.
You could have Tom Jones singing "Green, green grass of home"........if you were sad enough.
Or, maybe even.......and I like this could have the music from Ivor The Engine.
I may have to take out a patent on this idea.
It could be worth lots of dosh.

The sad thing, I think, is that he is quite a young man.
He had a young family.........and he looks about 98.
I am sure he was enjoying himself in his own sweet way, but it was rather hard to tell.
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