First Fourth.

Hard to believe really.
We had a quiet'ish weekend...........apart from discovering that we have probably both got ringworm .
We weeded the garden. Tidied the garage. Cut the grass. Got ringworm ointment.
Same as everyone else I suppose.
So, Monday it was off to the park in the evening for the fireworks.
The ones over the lake are really the best but getting parked down there and having to be there hours before hand, sort of takes some of the fun out of it.
We find our local park put on a very good display and we don't have any of the hassle.
Arming ourselves with our foldy up chairs we set off, pausing only to buy an ice cream, we found our perfect spot.
As it got dark the fireflies came out and put on their own display for us.
These were the first ones we had seen this summer.
I love fireflies.
The first time I saw them I got so excited because I hadn't realised they are real.
I thought they were creatures made up for cartoons etc.
I did feel daft.

Then the fireworks proper started.
Then the idiots with fireworks started too.
I think the Brits have been brought up to show due respect to fireworks. From childhood there are ads on TV in the run up to Guy Fawkes Night, showing the need for safety where fireworks are concerned.
I don't think anyone ever told Americans that fireworks can be dangerous.
Just a little way in front of us a middle aged couple ( not young idiots) had brought some fireworks with them.
Now, fireworks are actually illegal in Wisconsin. The shops still sell them and people still set them off but they are illegal.
Anyway, this couple decide to let their fireworks the middle of the park, where people are all sitting with their families. Not only set them off but throw them.
I couldn't believe it. These things were hitting the ground with a bang and then shooting a fireball out which went in whichever direction the firework had landed.
Like rockets going sideways.
Then the idiots next to me had roman candle sort of things that they were encouraging their ...mmm ...maybe 4 year old to hold.
"Point it away from your body"......said his mother.
How caring.
On the way out we passed a house with a great crowd outside, lighting fireworks on the pavement.
The people were standing almost on top of the things. One toddler was standing next to a firework as it started shooting stars & flames .............amazing.
I couldn't get away quick enough before someone was seriously hurt.
But, maybe I was just brought up to be fearful of fireworks.....they were all probably fine.
I hope they were.
We got home and had a celebratory drink. Philip has a glass of his posh whisky and I had a tipple of brandy.
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