A full week.
Brother were playing at River Rhythms and the forecast wasn't good.
We seem to have had more rain than is usual and Wednesday wasn't any different.
But, it was Brother !!!! As Philip had said " she will go even if there is a tornado"
So, we went and it stayed dry.
Brother were brill as usual and a good time was had by all. Even Philip seemed to enjoy it this time, in between playing games on his phone........oh did I mention his new phone?
He showed me the x rays and even I could see that the bone was filling in the gap....gradually.
So, the plan at this stage is to finish the root canal next time and then, if necessary, do the nasty surgery bit after that.
Friday was a bit pants because I was meant to go swimming with June but the pool was too blooming cold again. She is getting so mad about this.
She says we will try again on Monday. I am not hopeful. I think this is a cost cutting exercise.
After bringing them home we went to the post office to send off for my new passport.
My new AMERICAN passport.
I had filled in all the paperwork, got photos (which were gruesome to say the least - I have one left which I think I will use to keep the mice off the mushrooms), I had my certificate of citizenship .......what I didn't have was an appointment.
We didn't know you had to have an appointment. So, I made one for Wednesday but just as we got in the car they called us back and a very kind lady said as it wasn't busy she would do it then.
I shot back in, she stapled my picture in ( I may ceremoniously burn the other one instead of frightening the mice.....what have they ever done to me?), I then had to swear again that it was all correct and she said it would take about 4 weeks.
How sweet of her to do that for me?
So, another little job done and it was on to our own cat's vet's.
A week ago they had insisted Bubba needed special food because he still has the trots and the recent exams showed nothing.
They said it could be a food allergy. We were caught off guard when we were charged $54 for a bag of dry food and another $52 for 24 small cans.
We shouldn't have bought it but it sort of took us by surprise and we did.........silly sods.
Anyway, not only did he hate it, but it also made him 10 times worse.
So, today we took the 23 remaining cans back and got a refund. Unfortunately we couldn't take back the bag of food as it had been opened.
Our vet is now treating him for inflammatory bowel disease. He has tablets to take and we should know in a week if they are working or not.
The next bit was classic though.
They told us that the other vet has started doing acupuncture .....yes really........and if these tablets didn't work then we might want to think about doing that.
Of course, the other vet would need to do a "Chinese consultation and examination" to see what was needed.
Oh for heavens sake.
"Acupuncture on a cat".....my arse. Chinese consultation...........my arse.
I can't even imagine how much they would want for that. Poor Bubba........let's stick needles in him now.
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